
Find Your Urban Island

Let’s talk about your urban island. This is a term I coined when I started Kalaki Riot. It’s your oasis in the big city where you can mentally or physically go to recalibrate from life. In other words, it’s your happy place. When life feels stagnant or gets heavy or stressful, it’s what you do or where you go for that moment of interruption, that much-needed escape to shake things up. Sometimes my urban island is the time I take to learn something new. Or when I go on a run. Or a more obvious one, watching the sunset.

These photos prove why sunsets are kind of Hawaii’s thing, and on Maui they’re on a whole other level. Like fingerprints, no two are ever the same. And it’s pretty extraordinary to actually see people slow down and look up for once to watch the sun creep towards the horizon. Certainly a view to be captured in itself.


SEE ALSO:  Lava Nation: Ahihi-Kinau Reserve




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