We love to talk about the value of killer branding over here, and the reason is simple:
Because great branding can wildly transform your business in a way that other things can’t, like helping you convert more customers.
See, your brand is so much more than a logo slapped on a site — it’s actually a unique blend of strategy, aesthetic, and design that can convert a consumer into a customer with the snap of a finger.
Plus, branding doesn’t have to be this hard, overwhelming, drop-everything kind of thing, okay? Instead, approaching your branding from a holistic, strategic perspective — one that gets you more conversions — is huge.
And, you know us over here at Uno Dos Trae. We’re here to help you do it!
Okay, pause. What exactly *is* branding?
A lot of people have this idea that branding consists of 3 colors, a logo, and maybe a cute tagline. In fact, most people might think this — but, it’s not true. Like, not even close. Actually, branding is what we like to call “the whole shebang,” okay?!
See, a brand is what grows customer loyalty, it’s what inspires people to buy from you, it’s what creates community, and it’s what helps you scale. A brand is a cohesive, strategic mixture of the visuals and back-end support that give your business legs… and it’s a heck of a lot more than a logo (though that is part of it)! Really, a brand involves everything from a logo, submark, colors, and font to positioning, values, and messaging — and branding is the act of putting that brand together.
3 Things You Can Do in Your Branding to Convert More Customers
When you understand branding at its core, it’s probably pretty easy to figure out that branding can be done really well or done really poorly. We’re definitely in the business of helping people land more on the done-really-well side over here, and there are 3 things we always recommend for branding that hits the right places (AKA, convert more customers).
You ready? Let’s go.
1. Underline brand awareness
One of the biggest keys to converting more customers through your branding is by boosting their awareness in the first place. This is where all of the value you can offer comes into play! Create a brand that’s determined to educate and teach customers, along with a brand strategy that’s dedicated to building awareness. There are a few ways to do this, and one of the biggest ones is by underlining how important that awareness is in your brand values and mission statement.
Pack your brand with free value, a content strategy (blogs, emails, podcasts, videos — you have so many options!), and education. You don’t necessarily have to create lessons, either… so don’t worry! That education and awareness can come in a bunch of different ways. For instance, a product-based business is going to have a different awareness strategy than a service-based one. Spend a lot of time developing your awareness framework in your branding, and it’ll pay off. We promise.
2. Focus on differentiation
Your branding also needs to differentiate you from your competitors, and it needs to show off the things that make you and your offerings unique. Without that differentiation, you’re missing out on huge opportunities for your brand — so make it a focus! Luckily, branding actually carries tons of options for differentiation, from both a visual standpoint and a strategic one. And, you’re not married to anything — if the differentiation opportunities you’re using aren’t working, try new ones.
Need some ideas? Here are some different ways to differentiate your business in your branding and convert more customers:
- Test out different pricing models to set yourself apart from competitors
- Find the white space in your niche, and find ways to fill that space with a new offering
- Choose colors, visuals, fonts, and a logo that are as eye-catching as they are intentional
- Highlight your uniqueness in your messaging
- Consider incorporating your mission statement into your logo or submark
3. Boost your perceived value to convert more customers
One of the most incredibly important things about branding comes down to one thing and one thing only: does the quality of your branding reflect the value you and your business bring to the table? If not, why not? See, the way people think about your brand is going to determine your conversion rate in a massive way — and it’s why strategic, great branding matters so much. If you’re unsure about how your perceived value and branding connect, do a self-audit of your website, visual marketing, and customer service. Do you think the quality aligns? If you were looking in as a third person, would you be drawn in? How can your branding improve? Where does it shine? When you approach your branding from an outside perspective, it’s a lot easier to stand in the shoes of your potential customers… and that’s how you convert them.
At Uno Dos Trae, we’re incredibly passionate about helping business owners to feel confident in their website, designs, and branding — because, after all is said and done, that confidence speaks to so much more than just profit. In fact, that confidence speaks for itself and converts consumers into customers as you deserve.
If you’re tired of feeling exhausted or embarrassed by your branding, you’re in the right place! Our Design Days service is built specifically to help people just like you get a killer brand and website refresh without months and months of back and forth — and we’d love to have you! Get in touch with us here.