
5 Hot Tips for Letting Your Brand Shine Through on Your Site

Tips for Letting Your Brand Shine Through

Website design is one of our favorite things to do at Uno Dos Trae, but definitely, not everyone’s favorite thing to do. 

Sound about right?!

Here’s the thing, though: we get it. If you’re not a site designer, it can seem really tricky to know how to do it effectively. And, if you don’t build your website in the right way, you’ll run the risk of ending up with a site that doesn’t sell your product or service and doesn’t show off your brand.

Plus, ending up with a site that doesn’t show off your brand? It’s a really common problem

What if we told you it didn’t have to be, though?

Actually, what if we told you that you can build a beautiful website (no design degree needed) that’s conversion-friendly, that you’re really proud of, AND that lets that incredible brand of yours shine through? We’ve got you covered with tips for letting your brand shine through on your website. 

First up: why does your brand need to shine through on your site?

Wondering why exactly your brand and your website need to be so interconnected? There are a few reasons for this, and the first one is simple:

Every. One. Has. A. Website. (Or, at least, they should.)

Your job? To set your website apart from everyone else’s — and that’s where bringing in personality and letting your brand shine through on your website really, really matters. 

See, without focusing on that, you’ll end up with a stale, less memorable website that doesn’t do its job — and its job is to sell your product or service. Plus, website design is too long and too expensive a process to do wrong… or to do less effectively than you could. 

5 Website Design Tips for Letting Your Brand Shine Through on Your Site

As you prep your website design, there are a few things that we want you to keep coming back to: what’s the purpose of this site? What do I want this site to do? Who and what do I want this site to reflect? If you can come back to those questions and follow these tips, you’re set. 

SEE ALSO:  How To Style Photos That Speak To Your Customers

Here are 5 website design tips for letting your brand shine through on your site:

  1. Get really clear on your brand itself.

Before you can make sure you’re letting your brand shine through on your site, you need to make sure you’re really clear on your brand itself. From your target audience all the way to your font pairings, make it your job to know your brand like the back of your hand. 

We always recommend creating yourself a brand checklist to use as a touchpoint as you work through things like site design, so use these questions as a clarity starter:

  • Who exactly is my target audience? Is this attracting them, or is it repelling them?
  • What kind of words, voice, and messaging are on brand for me? How about off brand?
  • What are the color hex codes and fonts I’m using in my brand? Am I dropping in off-brand elements?
  • What is the mood, vibe, and feel of my brand? Am I sticking to this?
  • Do I understand the “why?” behind each site design choice I’m making? If not, why am I making them?
  1. Ask yourself: “am I excited about this?!”

If there’s one thing that makes the difference between a super memorable, wonderful brand and website and a so-so one, it all comes down to the passion behind it. So, continually ask yourself — ”is this making me excited, or do I feel bored and burnt out?” 

Trust us — it matters. It matters so much. And, if you’re feeling bored or burnt out when designing your website, there’s a good chance that it will reflect to your website visitors, as well.

  1. Keep your brand identity cohesive.

One of the best ways of letting your brand shine through is to make sure that you’re keeping your brand as cohesive as absolutely possible. From the fonts and colors all the way to the messaging and the submarks, pulling a brand through is how you’ll make it memorable in the first place. 

If you’ve worked with a designer to create your brand, chances are that they’ve already given you some brand guidelines to stick to. If you’ve DIY’ed your brand, create your own brand guidelines… and stick to them! By being able to truly stay cohesive, you can truly create some magic — and that cohesive, intentional identity will give your website the legs it needs to stand on.

  1. Don’t be afraid to push boundaries.

Your brand shouldn’t ever feel like you’re playing it safe, and there’s no need to stick to old-school design guidelines when creating it. While there are some design principles that you should follow just for the sake of experience, don’t feel like you need to color inside the lines if you don’t want to. 

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As we like to say, this is your brand, this is your website, and this is your party. Cry (AKA, push the boundaries), when you want to! After all, those kinds of websites are the ones all of us remember anyway!

  1. Pull it all together with a killer site.

Once you’ve killed it with a brand identity and gotten incredibly clear on your vision for it all, it’s time for the finishing touch — a beautiful, stunning website that SCREAMS your brand. Ahh, guys… it’s the best. When you get to this stage, you have a few options at your side (and we have tons of resources to help you). Choose a template or a design you want, and start building — keeping your brand and your journey into every step of the journey.

Need some serious help building a website that you’re incredibly proud of? You’re in the right place! The waitlist is open for Website Blitz, a comprehensive web design course designed to help you brand and design the website of your “hell, yes!” dreams. You in? Sign up here — we can’t wait to dive in with you.




Looking for ways to make your brand and site experience better starting now? Get access to our free library of guides, tools, and other helpful resources for re-aligning your branding, optimizing your website, and more. Did we mention it's free?