Content Ideas for Business - Uno Dos Trae

How to Find Content Ideas For Your Business

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When it comes to creating content and coming up with content ideas for your business, you know the value is there — but it can also be tough to decide which content to create. After all, there are a zillion ways you could go on any given day. Where are you supposed to start?

Over here, we’re big fans of content pillars… and if you’ve been around for a while, you know that creating content pillars is one of my go-to strategies to implement in your business. The thing is, your audience will assume you’re the go-to expert in your content area. The key to making this come true? Making sure your content does in fact speak to your expertise. In fact, it’s making sure that your content reflects how incredible you are at what you do.

Wait… What Are Content Pillars Again, and How Do They Relate to Content Ideas?

My favorite way to explain content pillars is by defining them as mini brand stories. Think of it like this: you have a few buckets that describe what your business does and where your expertise lies. All of the content you create can fit in a few buckets that resonate with your audience, showing them that you’re either a thought leader or a problem solver — showing the pillars that your brand is built on.

When it comes to building out your content pillars, you’ll want to decide how you’re going to show up for your audience and for your brand. Your content pillars will show your audience what you stand for as a brand, who you are as a business, and what change you want to make. My top tip? Decide on 3-5 categories, and plan out your content accordingly.

How to Come Up With the Best Content Ideas for Your Business

I’ve gone deep into creating your content pillars over the last few months, but today I want to dive into some methods for creating content pillars that reflect on your business — and make life easier for you. There are 3 main methods I recommend, from focusing on your interests and your expertise to focusing on your ideal customer.

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Content Idea #1: Focus on Your Expertise: AKA, the “What I’m Good At” Pillar

One of the best content pillars you can utilize for your business comes from honing in on what makes you and your brand so good at what you do. Wondering how to find it? Do a skill dump relating to your offering or your business, and get as detailed as you can! From your smallest skills to your most powerful ones, get creative — and then let that skill dump fuel your content ideas.

Let’s say you’re a graphic designer, and your skill dump shows you that you’re great at teaching others, Photoshop, creating gifs, and inDesign. Your content pillar? Design tutorials! It’s like magic.

Content Idea #2: Focus on Your Interests: AKA, the “Unique Experience” Pillar

One of my other favorite content pillars draw on your own experiences — the things that have happened in your life that have made you into the brand, business, and person you are. Your job? Start listing out all of your interests, achievements, trials, and triumphs… and then look for ways to make that relevant to your audience. If there’s anything you need to know when it comes to creating content, it’s that storytelling has massive power, and it’s key to drawing your customers in and encouraging them to relate with you.

Let’s say that, as a graphic designer, your story includes everything from running a marathon to losing a bunch of weight to becoming a mom to dropping out of med school to go to design school instead. Those pieces of your story show unique learnings and perspectives that only you have… and they have power as a content pillar.

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Content Idea #3: Focus on Their Demands: AKA, the “ICA” Pillar

One of the most impactful content pillars you can have? Using what you know about your ideal client to inform the content you’re producing. The method? Make sure you understand these two things about your ideal client: what they ultimately want to achieve, and what their mindset blocks are. Now, you can start using that knowledge to build out content that answers those client questions.

As a graphic designer, maybe you’re realizing that your ideal clients need freebies that help them make use of their photography presets, or you realize that your clients are searching for tools that help them create easy graphics without a high cost. Your job? Use that as a pillar to create content — and voila! 

When it comes to content creation, one thing is true: if you’re creating the right type of content, the impact on your business and on your audience can be immeasurable. Truly, it’s all in working to strategize, think, and build on what you know to create valuable content that impacts those who are consuming it. After all, what’s more important than that?

Download the Ultimate Content Strategy Guide by Uno Dos Trae

At Uno Dos Trae, we’re experts in brand strategy — and content is a massive piece of having an impactful one. My content strategy checklist is key in developing content that sells your products and services, and you can snag it here.





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