For Entrepreneurs

Here’s Why You Keep Getting Stuck In Your Business

I’m going to paint a picture for you, okay?

It’s 11 p.m., everyone else in the house is asleep, and you’re on the couch with a glass of red, an open laptop, and Canva in your browser. You’re exhausted, you’re frustrated, and you’re tired of spending time that you don’t have creating graphics that aren’t working.

Sound familiar?

Here’s the thing, my friend: the easiest way for you to get paralyzed and stuck in your business? Spending too much time doing the things that you don’t need to be doing. 

For some people, this is spending unnecessary hours in Quickbooks when it is long past time to hire an accountant. For others, it’s delaying and procrastinating on other work to clean out your inbox and reply to emails in real-time.

For you? It might just be trying to continually create an appealing aesthetic without a strategy, and missing the days where you actually felt like you were working on your business instead of in it.

So, how do you get unstuck in your business?

The first step is knowing that you’re stuck in the first place. Then you can figure out the next step, which is figuring out how to get unstuck in your business.

But, entrepreneurs don’t always have a ton of money to throw at outsourcing things, right?! Especially when you’re early on in your business, it might very well be out of the question to hire a virtual assistant, an accountant, or a brand strategist.

I know. I get it.

It’s exactly why Visual Brand Mastery exists.

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What is Visual Brand Mastery?

Visual Brand Mastery is, quite simply, your very own on-demand brand strategist, graphic designer, and marketing consultant. With a VBM membership, you’re leveling up your strategy for a minimal investment and a maximum return. Each month, you’ll get:

  • Monthly marketing roadmaps that help you finally cultivate that brand experience you’ve been trying to create
  • A fresh new stack of visual marketing designs every month that you can implement into your own business
  • Access to the Uno Dos Trae Foundational Resource Vault, which is constantly being updated with new resources, templates, and goodies
  • Your very own invite to our personalized learning community, The Studio

With Visual Brand Mastery, the time for spending your precious billable hours in online design software is over. You can stop spending so much time tinkering around making branding updates, instead finally honing in on a strategy, creating a great experience for your clients, and taking back your time.

At last, you’ll be able to focus on the things in your business that you actually love, all the while knowing that your marketing collateral has already been designed with intention and strategized by a team who knows what they’re doing. Because that is how you get unstuck in your business.

But Outsourcing is Out of the Question Right Now…

You may very well be reading this and thinking, “yeah. That’s all fine and good. But, Tracy. You literally just said that not every entrepreneur can afford to hire a brand strategist. I can’t either.”

Don’t worry. I got you.

Visual Brand Mastery—while being a huge game changer for your business (and I don’t say that lightly)—is also affordable and attainable. I promise. For just $49/mo., you have access to everything I shared above for less than a just-okay pair of jeans. And, you can cancel anytime. Plus, I’m not just saying that in a “yes-you-can-cancel-anytime-if-you-just-call-our-customer-service-desk-and-wait-on-hold-for-two-hours” kinda way. I mean, seriously. You can cancel it. Easily. I promise. But, you won’t want to.

SEE ALSO:  Design Templates: Can You Build a Profitable Visual Brand With Creative Market or Canva Templates?

(And, let’s be honest. We don’t even have a customer service desk.)


I can promise you this: this is the exact thing you’ve needed to finally get unstuck in your business. Plus, the doors to VBM are about to close. Jump in and snag your spot, okay? We only open the doors to VBM once a year, and you owe it to yourself and your business to throw them open. Join Visual Brand Mastery, and let’s start a big-time journey together.

See you inside. (You can leave the Canva and the frustration at home, but bring the wine!)




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